Marshall hosts All-America City Quilt

fffffffCity of Marshall and Marshall All-America City team Invite community members to “Join Up in June” to show their civic pride and display the winning All-America City Award logo

From Marshall All-America City Team (Christina Anderson)

MARSHALL – At the unveiling of the National Civic League’s 2015 All-America City quilt at the Weisman Center in downtown Marshall, Texas today, the City of Marshall and Marshall’s winning All-America City team announced the “Join Up in June” campaign.

This initiative is designed to encourage community members, businesses, organizations, schools, and other entities in Marshall to show their civic pride by displaying the 2015 Marshall, Texas All-America City logo on their websites, in their stores, and other areas to help promote Marshall and the outstanding aspects of our community for which Marshall received this award.

The “Join Up in June” campaign was announced today to coincide with gggggthe one-year anniversary of the 30-member delegation from Marshall traveling to Denver, Colorado and winning the prestigious 2015 All-America City Award on June 14, 2015, one of only ten cities nationwide to receive it.

After a rigorous application process and being named a finalist, the Marshall delegation made a successful 10-minute presentation and 10-minute Q&A before a 13-member panel of judges from throughout the United States demonstrating in the presentation how our community has addressed local challenges and empowered our young people through innovation, inclusiveness, civic engagement, and cross-sector collaboration.

Marshall was the first of the ten winning cities to be announced on that memorable night in Denver one year ago. For those community members wishing to register with the City to receive the 2015 AllAmerica City logo to display on their website, they can find the application for the logo on the Marshall, Texas website at and click on the link which reads: “Click here to use the All-America City logo.”

The use of the logo is free.

Also, at the news conference, Marshall City Manager Lisa Agnor announced that the National Civic League (NCL), host of the All-America City Awards, notified our community to inform us that each year the NCL invites two “standout community members” from the previous year’s ten All-America City award-winning teams to participate and assist in the following year’s award event in Denver.

The National Civic League announced that, from the 2015 Marshall, Texas winning AllAmerica City team, the NCL had selected Christina Anderson, Chair of the 2014 & 2015 Marshall All-America City efforts, and Tavon Green, a member of the team who represented the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Big Pines and was one of only two All-America City Youth Award winners nationwide last year at the conference.

“Tavon and I are very honored and humbled to have been selected by the National Civic League to represent Marshall,“ said  Anderson. “We look forward to representing our outstanding city and the caring and wonderful people who make up our community at the All-America City conference next week.”

In connection with this honor, the National Civic League is providing airfare for both Mr. Green and Ms. Anderson through the All-America City sponsor, Southwest Airlines.

The 2015 All-America City quilt which was unveiled today is made from quilt squares representing all the finalist and winning cities of the 2015 All-America City competition. The quilt is a long-standing tradition of the National Civic League and is a reminder of the success of Marshall’s receiving the prestigious All-America City Award last year, one of only ten cities nationwide.

This beautiful quilt, which has been touring the United States during the past year and displayed in each of the 2015 All-America City finalist cities, will be displayed in the Weisman Center for one week from June 7-June 14.

BACKGROUND The National Civic League (NCL) is a 120-year old non-partisan, non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado, that fosters best practices for local government and public engagement.

The All-America City Award is the oldest and most respected community recognition program in the nation. This year marks the 67th anniversary of the award that recognizes communities whose citizens work together to identify and tackle community-wide challenges and achieve uncommon results.

Only ten cities nationwide are selected each year to be an All-America City. At the National Civic League’s awards ceremony on June 14, 2015, Marshall, Texas was the first 2015 winning city to be announced.
The other nine cities to receive the award last year were:
Carson, California Salinas, California Stockton, California Tallahassee, Florida Somerville, Massachusetts Tupelo, Mississippi Geneva, New York,  Spokane, Washington Yakima, Washington .

Marshall was selected as a finalist for the All-America City Award in 2014. It was selected as a finalist and All-America City Award winner in 2015. Marshall also won the All-America City Award forty years ago in 1976.

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