Update on Flood disaster at Caddo Lake
Lt. Jay Webb
CADDO LAKE – Harrison County Floodplain Administrator, John Paul Jones and Assistant Floodplain Administrator Amy Franks, discussed the process to repair properties in the weekly disaster update for Harrison County. The procedure required is for the owner of the property affected to contact the Harrison County floodplain administrator’s office before starting repairs to assure that the proper steps are followed. A “Substantial Damage Determination” will provide specific details for new construction improvements, or repairs.
According to National Flood Insurance Program standards, if a structure- not including land value- has sustained damage by any source that is 50% or more of the pre-disaster market value, it is considered substantially damaged. Under these guidelines, a property must be brought to current floodplain regulations.
Owners of property that is affected are required to start construction and repair only after they have received the required permits from the floodplain administrator’s office. The office may be contacted at the Harrison County Road and Bridge office at 3800 Five Notch Rd, Marshall, Texas or by telephone at 903-935-4868.