Dr. Jerry Gibson is named as the lone finalist in the MISD search for school superintendent.

Coldspring-Oakhurst ISD

ETBU alum chosen as lone finalist in MISD Superintendent search

Dr. Jerry Gibson has been named as the lone finalistin the MISD School Superintendent search. (Photos YourHoustonNow)
Dr. Jerry Gibson has been named as the lone finalistin the MISD School Superintendent search. (Photos YourHoustonNow)

By Becky Holland, editor@pineywoods.news

MARSHALL – Tuesday’s noon meeting of the Marshall Independent School District Board of Trustee, a unanimous vote was called to name Dr. Jerry Gibson as lone finalist for MISD Superintendent. Gibson would be filling the shoes of Dr. Marc Smith, former MISD School Superintendent.

Gibson will come to MISD from Coldspring-Oakhurst ISD where he has served as school superintendent since 2013. His official hiring date will come after the state-law required 21-day waiting period.

Helen Warwick, president of the MISD Board of Trustees, said, that Gibson is expected to be officially presented as the 23rd school superintendent for the Marshall Independent School District June 14.

Warwick told the Piney Woods News after the special-called meeting that Gibson “presents the complete package of what were we were looking for in the role of superintendent.”

She said, “We had such a great pool of outstanding candidates, and out of our top eight, Dr. Gibson was the ideal choice.”
Gibson earned his bachelor of science degree from East Texas Baptist University in 1993, and continued his studies at Prairie View A&M University, Stephen F. Austin State University and Texas Southern University. He received his master of education from Lamar University in 2002, and his doctorate in education in professional leaders from the University of Houston in 2015.

Prior to his position as superintendent at Coldspring-Oakhurst ISD, Gibson had served as executive director of secondary education for the Waco Independent School District, principal at Deweyville High School in Deweyville ISD, assistant principal at Central Magnet High School in Beaumont ISD, and was a teacher, coach and athletic director at multiple schools in his career.

Gibson and his wife have four children and four grandchildren.

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