On Wednesday, December 18, 2019, City of Marshall Public Works crews responded to a 12-inch main water line break on East Travis Street just south of Alamo Blvd. in Marshall, Texas.

“In the cold weather of recent days, it is not uncommon for aging pipes to break with a shift in the soil. As this 12-inch main line is fed directly off the 30-inch main line from the City of Marshall Water Plant, our crews worked to isolate this line for repair, stated Eric Powell PE, City of Marshall Public Works Director. “Unfortunately, the aged isolation values were ineffective and would not close properly. Crews were not able to drain the line for repairs without reducing pressure and drain the complete water system which impacted our entire community.”

At approximately 5:00a.m. on Thursday, December 19, 2019, the repairs were completed by city crews and the city staff began to pressure our water system.

We thank the citizens of Marshall for their patience as we expect the system to be 95% operational by midday barring any significant issues. The City of Marshall is on a CITY WIDE BOIL WATER NOTICE until testing is complete. Once the boil water notice is no longer needed, a notice to customers that rescinds the boil water notice will be issued in a manner similar to this notice.

Boil Water Notice

Drinking Water

∙        Use commercially bottled water; or

∙        Use water that has been kept at a rolling boil for at least 2 minutes, or

∙        Use water brought in from an approved public water supply in a covered, sanitized container.

Beverages Made with Water

∙        Do not use post-mix carbonated beverage machines, auto-fill coffee makers, instant hot water heaters, ice machines, etc. using auto-fill methods

Ice Making

∙        Discard existing ice and do not make more ice.

∙        Use commercially manufactured ice.


∙        Use commercially bottled water, or

∙        Use water that has been kept at a rolling boil for at least one minute; or

∙        Use water brought in from an approved public water supply in a covered, sanitized container.


∙        Use commercially bottled water, or

∙        Use water that has been kept at a rolling boil for at least 1 minute; or

∙        Use water brought in from an approved public water supply in a covered, sanitized container. Handwashing procedures must follow the Texas Food Establishment

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