The Robinson Film Center offers unique experiences for all, and it is a hop, jump and skip from the Piney Woods.

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Looking for something to do – go to Robinson Film Center

robinson_film_center_smallBy Becky Holland,

SHREVEPORT – Looking for something different to do? Well, the Robinson Film Center, located at 617 Texas St. in Shreveport, can offer you just that.

The RFC is a non-profit independent movie theater with two screens, an upstairs’ restaurant and history and educational programs. Meghan Hochstetler, interim executive director of the Robinson Film Center, explained to the Piney Woods News, “We are movie theater with a restaurant … we are like your one-stop shop with dinner and a movie.”

The restaurant is Abby Singer’s Bistro. Abby Singer’s is a full-service bistro and bar located on the second floor of the RFC. Hours are 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, 5-9 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, 5-10 Friday and Saturday, and the bar opens at 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, and 4:30 p.m. Saturday. (Editor’s Note: For reservations call (318) 459-4125.)

Movies are shown daily, except for Mondays when the RFC is closed. The RFC is open from 11-9 Sunday, Tues.-Thurs., and 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. Fridays-Saturdays.

The types of movies shown aren’t the typical movies shown in regular theaters. “We show films that are classified as independent, foreign, classic, documentaries and regionally-produced films,” Meghan said.

“We have something for everyone – kids, families, adults … date night, family night out,” she said. Tickets are $9.50 and matinees are $7.50. Specials are given to RFC members.

RFC offers educational and entertainment programs through the power of film – utilizing independent, international and classic cinema.

For more information about the Robinson Film Center, visit the website at and/or call (318)459-4122.

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