ETBU School of Christian Studies Hosting T. B. Maston Lecture Series on April 13

MARSHALL – The East Texas Baptist University School of Christian Studies is hosting the T.B. Maston Lecture Series on Wednesday, April 13. The speaker is Dr. Roger Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics, at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary. A luncheon will be held from 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. with the lecture, “America Critically Examined,” from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

Dr. Roger Olson, T.B. Lecture Series keynote speaker at ETBU.
Dr. Roger Olson, T.B. Lecture Series keynote speaker at ETBU.

“Our new lecture series honors the legacy of Dr. T. B. Maston, one of the most significant figures in shaping the moral conscience of Southern Baptists for many years,” said Dr. Jeph Holloway, ETBU Professor of Theology, Philosophy and Christian Ethics. “Dr. Olson’s concern is to help us think about what Baptist identity might mean for our place in contemporary American political culture. Particularly in an election year, such a reminder could be very important for us. I look forward to hearing what he has to say.”

Dr. Olson holds degrees from Rice University, North American Baptist Seminary, and Open Bible College.  His recent books include The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform and Who Needs Theology?  Dr. Olson is an expert in historical theology, a frequent preacher, teacher, and speaker for churches and organizations.

The lecture is open to the public with the lunch RSVP only. For further details or to RSVP visit or contact the School of Christian Studies either by email, or phone 903-923-2180.

The T. B. Maston Lecture in Christian Ethics is an event co-sponsored by East Texas Baptist University and the T. B. Maston Foundation. The mission of the T.B. Maston Foundation is to promote the legacy of Dr. T.B. Maston, a lifelong advocate for the deeper understanding and wider application of the life and ethical teaching of Jesus Christ.

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