What is MOPS?

What is MOPS? MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, a program designed for mothers with children infancy through kindergarten. MOPS provide a faith-based and non-judgmental environment where mothers can come together with other mothers who are in similar situations to provide a multifaceted support system. Approximately 3,000 MOPS groups gather throughout the United States, Canada, and numerous other countries to meet the needs of more than 100,000 women each year.

From the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant her whole world changes, and life transitions begin long before the baby is born. While the joy of bringing a baby into this world can be beautiful, the difficulties can be overwhelming. If you’re a brand-new mom who expected to be full of joy at this point, it can be upsetting and confusing when you’re actually feeling the opposite. MOPS support groups encourage and equip moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church.

Depression is a biological illness that as many as one in four women will suffer from at some point in her lifetime. Anywhere from 40 to 80 percent of new mothers experience the baby blues, aka Postpartum Depression, which is an emotional state of tearfulness, unhappiness, worry, self-doubt, and fatigue. Meeting together in MOPS gives mothers a chance to refresh themselves, to be encouraged, to ask questions and learn from other Moms who have been down the same road. This helps their mental health and emotional stability so that they can be better care for the needs of their children. We believe that this ministry helps to fulfill the mandate of Psalms 82:3-4.

All mothers have need of support to make healthy, happy, homes where children can grow strong and stable. Many mothers are in need of this support in our community and are often on a limited budget. Therefore, MOPS of Marshall strives to provide this ministry at little to no cost to our Mothers. As a non-profit ministry with limited funds we rely on volunteers, fundraisers, and donations to make this possible.

Moppets is the childcare that we provide during our MOPS meetings. Moppets provide a biblically based educationally stimulating learning experience for children infancy through preschool. Without Moppets we cannot have MOPS. Moppets allow mothers to have an uninterrupted meal, adult conversation, and a focused time of training and reflection. This is a crucial part of our ministry to our Mothers which is why Moppets is so important.

We are having a rummage sale January 20th from 8am-2pm and January 21st, 7am-12pm. to help raise funds for our childcare volunteers and for our supplies for crafts for the year.

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