The Marshall Police Department is creating a Ministry Advisory Committee (MAC) as part of its “No Colors, No Labels” initiative
The Marshall Police Department is creating a Ministry Advisory Committee (MAC) as part of its “No Colors, No Labels” initiative. MAC will be comprised of representatives from each faith-based organization within the City of Marshall. Faith-based organizations are encouraged to nominate several members of its congregation to be on the committee. The goal of the Ministry Advisory Committee is to identify and resolve issues within the community. We will reach this goal by hosting social meetings where we will identify issues within each faith-based area. After identifying the issues, committee members will assist MPD with solving the issues brought forth. We realize crime is a main concern for the community, but with MAC, we hope to be able to reduce our crime rate by taking an unconventional approach of solving problems before those issues become potential crimes.
Chief of Police Jesus “Eddie” Campa stated, “The Ministry Advisory Committee is a proactive approach to help build a better quality of life within the city. This committee will help identify and solve many of the issues each neighborhood faces on a daily basis.”
In order to form this committee, the Marshall Police Department would like to invite all faith-based organizations to a public meeting on Thursday, February 2, at the Visual Art Center at 6 p.m. Those planning to attend are urged to please RSVP to MPD’s Public Information Officer Kelly Colvin at